University Campus Suffolk

Astazi am discutat cu Chris Garrett, Marketing Development Officer de la University Campus Suffolk!



How would you describe UCS?

UCS is one of the newest Higher Education Institutions in the UK which opened its doors to students back in 2007. We are based in the beautiful East of England, which is an hour from London by train and very close to all major London airports. The East of England is home to some of the most beautiful countryside in the UK and we have miles and miles of coastline to explore.

UCS is a really modern university which has had millions of pounds invested into its Campus. The main hub of UCS is based on a lovely marina in Ipswich, the county town of Suffolk. Ipswich is a historic market town which is famous for its maritime history, once being a major freight port in the UK.

It’s hard to express what the university is like until you’ve seen it, take a look for yourself and see what you think of our ultra-modern architecture.

Why UCS?

I studied at UCS back in 2009 so I can certainly say that you get a high-class education here. The lecturers that teach you are highly qualified and experts in their field of study. The majority of the lecturers spend lots of time working on various research projects which when completed are usually published internationally; this is how you know you are being taught by experts in your subject area.

The campus itself is a great place to live and study. There is always a lot going on, from exhibitions in the Waterfront Building to live music in Cult Café, the on-campus student bar. You also get to meet people from all over the world which makes UCS a culturally diverse place to explore your independence.

What are your main fields of studies?

We currently offer over 100 different degree courses at UCS and our main areas of study are Arts and Humanities, Childhood Studies, Social Sciences, Science and Technology and Health studies. Most of our degree courses are three year bachelor’s degrees; however we have some four year degrees which will give you a bachelor and masters level qualification.

Entry requirements at UCS

For 2016 entry to UCS undergraduate bachelor degrees you will need to achieve a Grade 7 in your Diploma de Bacalaureat, and you will also need to hold an English Language qualification such as IELTS, TOEFL or Cambridge Advances. We also offer our own internal exam called the Password Test.

Some of the most popular subjects with Romanian students at UCS are Computer Games Design and Programming, Social Science courses in Psychology and Criminology as well as Art and Design courses such as Interior Architecture and Design, Digital Film Production and Photography. We have so many courses, so I am sure you can find one that is interesting to you.

We also offer a range of master’s degrees and PhD programmes, for which you would usually need to hold a recognised bachelor’s degree and a higher level English Language qualification.

Why not take a read about our entry requirements?

What are the costs related to Bachelor Studies?

For 2016 entry, UCS charges £9000 per year for bachelor degrees, but don’t panic. If you are a Romanian national and you have not studied for a degree in the UK before you should be eligible for a Tuition Fee Loan. This is a loan from the government which covers the cost of your tuition fees for the duration of your studies. What will then happen is after you finish your degree and you graduate you have to start repaying some of this month each month, but this does depend on how much you earn. If you remain in the UK and are earning more than £21,000 per year you will be eligible to start making repayments. You repay 9% of anything you earn over £21,000, so if you were earning £25,000 pear year you would make a repayment of £30 each month.

How many Romanians are studying at the moment with you?

We have about 50 Romanian students studying at UCS at the moment, but we are expecting this number to get bigger in the next few years. The UK is a great place to study, and we have very good links with employers which are very helpful when you are trying to apply for a job.

Do you offer scholarships for Romanian students?

For those Romanian students starting at UCS in September 2016, there is what we call the Accession States Bursary. This bursary will pay you a total of £1500 over the first two years of your studies which will help with your living costs such as accommodation, and having a social life. We would recommend that you should budget to spend a minimum of £4000 per year when you are in the UK on accommodation and other living expenses.

What are the jobs perspective during studies?

We always encourage our students to apply for a part-time job while they are studying at UCS. This helps to bring in some extra money each month to help pay for your living costs, but it is also a great way to meet even more people and make some friends. Students typically get jobs working in bars and restaurants, shops and for the university as a student ambassador.

Other very interesting things

Ed Sheeran was awarded an Honorary Doctorate this year (this is a proper degree, but a way of saying thanks for your contribution to Suffolk and to the music industry)!




For more info please see and contact or !

How to make it in UK & mituri, avantaje si dezavantaje! by Diandra Pavel


La insistentele lui Dragos, care stie sa-ti intre sub piele cu usurinta (sa nu mai zic de suflet), am izbutit sa scriu un articol in care sa povestesc cate ceva din experienta mea de student in strainatate si sa adaug cateva informatii pe care imi doresc sa le fi stiut la momentul aplicarii. Pare mainstream, stiu, si sunt atatea site-uri care vorbesc despre asta, incat textul va parea putin inutil. Oricum, traind pe pielea mea tot procesul, emotiile, mi-am mai schimbat putin viziunea. Nu e asa cum iti imaginezi in clipa in care iti incepi aplicatia, trebuie sa pasesti atent pe drumul catre success, mai ales daca iti doresti sa studiezi afara.
In primul rand, e important sa fii sigur ca ai studiat toate ofertele posibile de universitati, si in functie de standarde (–un site folositor), ai ales ceea ce e mai bun pentru tine! Personal, am incercat sa ma incadrez in institutiile aflate in top 10, dar ca back-up, am avut si cateva mai slabute in ranking (dar care au compensat prin oportunitatile de angajare). De ce e important pasul asta? Pentru ca nu vrei sa te trezesti intr-o tara in care oricum un vei cunoaste pe nimeni, studiind intr-o scoala in care nu te simti in largul tau, si mai ales fara prieteni… (Banuiesc ca de putere psihica nici nu e cazul sa mentionez. Daca nu iti doresti cu adevarat asta, in nici un caz sa nu te aventurezi in neant, vei citi mai jos de ce. )
In al doilea rand, e esential sa-ti faci un plan ‘financiar’, sa calculezi si sa pui la punct toate costurile: bilete de avión, cazarea (care se plateste saptamanal!), mancare, banii de buzunar, bilete de autobuz, si inca o data biletele de avión, in functie de cat de des vrei sa te intorci acasa.

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Prezentare Business & Hotel Management School

Un reprezentant al Business & Hotel Management School va sustine o prezentare despre posibilitatile de studiu in Elvetia sambata, 22.11.2014 intre orele 12:00 – 13:30 in sala OPAL din Marshal Garden Hotel (Calea Dorobanților 50B, București 010574).


In cadrul acestui workshop puteti afla mai multe despre:

-procesul de selectie la Business & Hotel Management School
-programele Business & Hotel Management School
-avantajele studiului la Business & Hotel Management School
-costurile programelor Business & Hotel Management School
-viata de student in Lucerna la Business & Hotel Management School

Va asteptam cu mare drag!!

Ati urma o universitate din Africa de Sud?

Noi spunem ca ar merita experienta :P!


De ce?

Pentru ca:


-salarii mai mari pentru specialisti

-costuri de viata mai scazute decat in Romania

-caldura 🙂




Stockholm si Stockholm University

Recent am vizitat 2 capitale scandinave si as vrea sa povestesc experienta placuta pe care am avut-o acolo. Copenahaga si Stockholm sunt 2 “metropole verzi” care dau tonul in foarte multe domenii, dar punctul lor forte este cu siguranta educatia.


Astazi am sa ma opresc doar la Stockholm si Stockholm University, intr-un post viitor am sa va povestesc si cate ceva despre Copenhaga.1


Stockholm, metropola verde, este un adevarat imperiu al arhitecturii, modei si nu il ultimul rand al culturii suedeze (Svensk Kultur). Situata pe 14 insule, capitala Suediei este locul ideal pentru un student, totul este exact in Stockholm, toti locuitorii vorbesc limba engleza si in Stockholm sunt unele dintre cele mai bune universitati din Suedia si Europa.2

Este de asemenea adevarat ca Stockholm este o capitala scumpa din punct de vedere al nivelului de trai, dar trebuie precizat faptul ca si salariile sunt pe masura si cu un job part time te poti intretine destul de lejer ca student in Stockholm.

Transportul in comun functioneaza perfect, dar eu as recomanda bicicleta….este incredibila senzatia aceea de a te plimba cu bicicleta fara griji, iar in caz de ninsoare, primele locuri deszapezite sunt pistele de bicicleta :P! In Scandinavia bicicletele sunt un bun comun.







Cu siguranta ca as recomanda oricand tarile nordice pentru studii, efortul financiar pentru costurile vietii merita deoarece recompensele de dupa aceea pot fi foarte mari:).